Davina Ross

Davina Ross

Davina Ross MA
Group Compliance Officer and Group Company Secretary
Apex Fiduciary Limited

Davina has 18 years experience in the offshore fiduciary sector and is a member of the Society for Trust and Estate Practitioners. After completing her undergraduate studies at Kings College London, Davina went on to obtain a merited M.A. in International Relations in which she specialised in Islam and Soviet foreign policy. In the following years, Davina was a regular visitor to the Indian Sub-Continent, notably in the northern areas of Pakistan and the borders of Afghanistan that provided her with invaluable insights for employment in her compliance role.

Davina has worked for the Apex Fiduciary since 1998 and had previously worked for several major fiduciary and private equity service providers in Guernsey.

At Louvre, Davina acts as Group Compliance Officer and Group Company Secretary and Compliance Officer for Apex Trust (Guernsey) Limited. Davina is also Company Secretary and Deputy Compliance Officer for Apex Fund Management Limited.

Davina takes an active role in the day-to-day running of the Group and its subsidiaries and undertakes annual compliance visits to all the overseas Apex offices.

Telephone: +44 (0)1481 727249
Email address: davina.ross@louvregroup.com


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