Charles Tracy

Charles Tracy

Charles Tracy MA (Hons) CANTAB
Chairman and Compliance Officer
Apex Fund Management Limited

Charles is one of the most experienced members of the Apex Fiduciary. After graduating from Cambridge with a degree in Natural Sciences and Economics, he has spent over 40 years working in the international fund and private banking industry for a number of leading financial institutions. These have included Hambros Bank, Samuel Montagu & Co and N M Rothschild & Sons, working in London, New York, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Singapore and Guernsey.

At Louvre, Charles specialises in fund management as the non-executive chairman of Apex Fund Management Limited, and he is also a non-executive director of Apex Fiduciary Limited, Apex Trust (Guernsey) Limited and Apex Fiduciary (Hong Kong) Limited.

He sees his role as developing Apex as an international provider of quality wealth management solutions. Charles plays an active role in Guernsey’s finance industry and he is currently president of the Guernsey Tax Tribunal and chairman of the Guernsey Banking Deposit Compensation Scheme. He is also chairman of a UK-listed investment trust and non-executive director of other local companies. He is former chairman of the Association of Guernsey Banks and of the Guernsey International Business Association.

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