Fund Services

Fund establishment and administration

We have extensive expertise in the setting up and ongoing administration of investment funds in a number of international jurisdictions. We use centres such as Guernsey, the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands and Malta (EU) for the establishment of funds, but we can provide a single point of contact for you in your time zone. We routinely deal with a wide range of investment strategies and fund types, working closely with fund managers to deliver a top quality and responsive service. We work with you on legal and regulatory issues, including incorporation, authorisation or registration, stock exchange listing, drafting of key agreements and design of the fund’s prospectus. Our emphasis is on building up a personal relationship with clients, reinforced by high standards and a strong compliance culture.


Apex Brochure

Wealth management solutions

Fiduciary Services


Fund Services


Liechtenstein Foundation Laws


Key Personnel


Around the World, Around the Clock